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Vue.js is an approachable, versatile, performant, and progressive framework to build user interfaces with. I wrote a comprehensive intro a week or so ago and promised to continue adding more each week. This week is about Vue router and how it helps deliver a better user experience.

PublishedOct 30, 2019
Time to read9 min
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Vue.js is an approachable, versatile, performant, and progressive framework to build user interfaces with. This core library is focused on building the view layer only. It uses the goodies of Angular (such as template syntax) and React (such as Virtual DOM) and adds a few more enhancements on top.

PublishedOct 18, 2019
Time to read15 min
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React Hooks are somewhat a new addition to React. They allow you to use React features without the need to use a class. But I am not going to go through an introduction in this post, there are many great into posts out there. This post shows you eight hooks and what you can achieve with them.

PublishedOct 06, 2019
Time to read7 min
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Everybody likes a fast loading web page. In fact, Google has an entire section dedicated to performance and how companies are moving towards a faster web. Wouldn’t it be good if we could measure some critical metrics like page load time in our production environment and constantly monitor them to find out where can be improved?

PublishedSep 29, 2019
Time to read3 min
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Page Visibility API, let's help users save their battery life 😀

Are you want of those people with 200 tabs open? Are you tired of carrying your laptop charger with you all the time? Well, I am here to let you know we can help users save battery, data, and time, if we know how to use the Page Visibility API.

PublishedSep 22, 2019
Time to read3 min
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Let's build a game with Tensorflow.js in 10 minutes 🎮

I’ve been looking into Tensorflow.js recently and have found the whole concept fascinating. Previously I wrote a piece on how to get started, and I intent to write more around all aspects of creating a new model, transfer learning with it, or just use pre-trained models for inference.

PublishedSep 19, 2019
Time to read9 min
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Last week I talked about JavaScript and AI using Tensorflow.js at ComponentsConf in Melbourne, Australia. The line up was a killer and I got to listen to some amazing talks, one of which got me hooked. It’s about accessibility and how we can be more inclusive by doing very little at our end.

PublishedSep 14, 2019
Time to read5 min
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Resize Observer API is another great JavaScript API which lets you get notified when the size of an element changes. Think window.onresize but on element level.

PublishedSep 05, 2019
Time to read2 min
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How often have you wrote a block of HTML without realising the code you’ve written might not be ideal?

PublishedSep 03, 2019
Time to read6 min
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If you ever stumbled upon a piece of vanilla JavaScript code and wanted to refactor it to a module, or have a CommonJS module and want to convert it to ES6 Modules, you might have faced a couple of tricky situations. I had to go through one of those recently and stumbled upon some differences/points that you need to be aware of when working with modules. As always, thought sharing these would help someone else, so here we go 😊.

PublishedAug 27, 2019
Time to read6 min
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