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Most of the times, we write code which is being copy pasted from all over internet. StackOverflow is the main source these days for finding solutions to all sort of problems. But is it OK to blindly copy paste code without really knowing what’s happening behind the scenes?

PublishedMay 20, 2019
Time to read4 min
webdevshowdevjavascriptRead more

Rendering images on a web page can be a very compute heavy operation. This makes it harder to run these kind of operations on the main thread since it might slow down the rendering or affect the user experience.

PublishedMay 11, 2019
Time to read5 min
webdevtipsfrontendRead more
How do I keep up with frontend world

I’ve been in web development for a long time and not until four or five years ago did I had to keep up with this light speed moving train.

PublishedMay 09, 2019
Time to read8 min
tipsproductivityfrontendRead more
Knock out your unused CSS

Unused CSS is a one of the issues most web applications suffer when it comes to performance and page load time.

PublishedMay 07, 2019
Time to read7 min
csswebperfunusedRead more
Removing duplicates from arrays in JavaScript

There are multiple ways to remove duplicates from an array with JavaScript. But, it’s very important to know the details of how efficient they, especially if you’re dealing with large arrays.

PublishedApr 24, 2019
Time to read2 min
javascriptarraysdeduplicationRead more

A while back, Nick Galov from contacted me to let me know they had created an inforgraphic photo for web performance statistics.

PublishedApr 14, 2019
Time to read1 min
webperformancepage load timeRead more
Fixing: unable to deploy to npm: 'you must be logged in'

Recently I created a small library with Angular which I wanted to publish to npm (the node package manager). However, when I had everything in place from a build perspective using Travis CI in my GitHub repo, it was failing to publish the package with a 401 login error.

PublishedFeb 15, 2019
Time to read2 min
npmpublishissueRead more
Setting Google Analytics for Angular applications

Many a times we want to add some sort of analytics to our applications and for me the most obvious choice would be Google Analytics.

PublishedFeb 12, 2019
Time to read2 min
angulartag-managergoogle-analyticsRead more
The essential difference between pure and impure pipes in Angular and why that matters

When writing a custom pipe in Angular you can specify whether you define a pure or an impure pipe:

PublishedJan 31, 2019
Time to read6 min
Author: Maxim Koretskyi
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Amazon Virtual Concierge

Recently we (at Readify) had a chance to have a go at two very interesting problems and we decided to use a few interesting technologies to solve them.

PublishedJan 14, 2019
Time to read6 min
amazonawsvirtual conciergeRead more