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Yas Adel Mehraban (Yashints) | html

6 posts tagged with "html"

One of the first things I learnt to do with HTML was using marquee to move text across the screen horizontally. It was so cool to be able to create advertisements on a page and make users notice things with just a tag. Of course people overused it and then it became a out of fashion item in the new designs just like baggy jeans from 90s.

PublishedFeb 09, 2020
Time to read4 min
webdevshowdevhtmlRead more

Last week I talked about JavaScript and AI using Tensorflow.js at ComponentsConf in Melbourne, Australia. The line up was a killer and I got to listen to some amazing talks, one of which got me hooked. It’s about accessibility and how we can be more inclusive by doing very little at our end.

PublishedSep 14, 2019
Time to read5 min
showdevwebdeva11yRead more

How often have you wrote a block of HTML without realising the code you’ve written might not be ideal?

PublishedSep 03, 2019
Time to read6 min
showdevwebdevhtmlRead more
Improve HTML and CSS performance

Recently I had a chance to present a talk at NDC Sydney about web performance and it received a great feedback.

PublishedSep 29, 2018
Time to read4 min
webperformancehtmlRead more


If you are using angular-filter already don’t read this.

Recently I was working on a task for creating a responsive UI which involved changing the html select with a button. Then with a click or tap on the button there should be a list shown like a drop down. Well I though ok let’s do that and quickly started using bootstrap dropdown.

PublishedJun 18, 2016
Time to read4 min
angularjsdropdownhtmlRead more

Mentioning this is trivial as no one seems to notice this while using default JQuery show and hide methods to show or hide an element on a page. As you might have noticed this before when you use hide(), the element gets a  display:none; style. The problem is when you use show() to show the element again and here is when you seedisplay:block; is added to element styles.

PublishedJun 18, 2016
Time to read1 min
csshtmljavascriptRead more