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Yas Adel Mehraban (Yashints) | semantickernel

3 posts tagged with "semantickernel"

Semantic kernel series - Last part - Planners

In my previous posts, I introduced you to foundational concepts of Semantic Kernel, offering a glimpse into its potential. Then I showed you how to leverage plugins to communicate to LLMs, and as promised in this part we would review planners and native function plugins to show Semantic Kernel’s full potential.

PublishedMay 27, 2024
Time to read5 min
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Semantic kernel series - Part two - Plugins

In my previous post, I introduced you to foundational concepts of Semantic Kernel, offering a glimpse into its potential. Now, when I was learning about the what and the why, that wasn’t enough for me to fully understand the concepts and that’s why I started writing these series.

PublishedMay 13, 2024
Time to read6 min
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Semantic kernel series - Intro

Everybody (and I am not exaggerating) is talking about OpenAI, Large Language Models aka LLMs and that means they are using it one way or another even in their day to day lives. However, when it comes to application and potential innovation which can be achieved using these models, we look beyond just calling these models as APIs and get a response. This is where Semantic Kernel comes into the picture.

PublishedApr 30, 2024
Time to read3 min
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