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🖥️ Use local AI to supercharge your coding skills

Are you a developer who wants to use AI in their day to day coding but don’t have access to tools like GitHub Copilot, GitHub Copilot Workspace or Cloud based services like Azure OpenAI? If yes, read on and you’re going to have super powers by the end of this post.

PublishedJun 07, 2024
Time to read5 min
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🔮 fabric, augmenting humans using AI

If you have worked with OpenAI or any other Generative AI model aka LLMs, you would know that writing a good prompt is a very key part of how we interact with those models. However, it’s often ignored which most probably means people are not getting the most out of these super capable models.

PublishedJun 01, 2024
Time to read4 min
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🥇 Run your generative AI model locally 🥇

Many learners ask me how they can get access to Azure OpenAI and Generative AI since they don’t have access to an enabled subscription. I knew there are open source tools which allow people to work with these models, but I never had a use case to go and try this out.

PublishedMay 28, 2024
Time to read4 min
AIOpenAILLMRead more
Semantic kernel series - Last part - Planners

In my previous posts, I introduced you to foundational concepts of Semantic Kernel, offering a glimpse into its potential. Then I showed you how to leverage plugins to communicate to LLMs, and as promised in this part we would review planners and native function plugins to show Semantic Kernel’s full potential.

PublishedMay 27, 2024
Time to read5 min
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Semantic kernel series - Part two - Plugins

In my previous post, I introduced you to foundational concepts of Semantic Kernel, offering a glimpse into its potential. Now, when I was learning about the what and the why, that wasn’t enough for me to fully understand the concepts and that’s why I started writing these series.

PublishedMay 13, 2024
Time to read6 min
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Semantic kernel series - Intro

Everybody (and I am not exaggerating) is talking about OpenAI, Large Language Models aka LLMs and that means they are using it one way or another even in their day to day lives. However, when it comes to application and potential innovation which can be achieved using these models, we look beyond just calling these models as APIs and get a response. This is where Semantic Kernel comes into the picture.

PublishedApr 30, 2024
Time to read3 min
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Have you ever wanted to do something within the context of Microsoft products and wondered how can I do it via APIs or programmatically? I have been in far too many situations where performing a simple task like forwarding multiple calendar events to my colleague which can’t be done via the Outlook UI has bothered me, hence leveraging the power of Microsoft Graph APIs heavily in even in my day to day tasks.

PublishedApr 18, 2024
Time to read4 min
microsoftgraphapigraphsdkRead more

So, I’ve decided to write again and since I haven’t had time for quite a while, my blog was still using Gatsby v2. At first it didn’t seem like a big change, but little did I know what was I getting myself into.

PublishedApr 13, 2024
Time to read2 min
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I’ve contributed to the development community in many ways, be it speaking at conferences, writing technical blog posts, getting involved in conferences as volunteer or part of the crew, or helping with Hackatons and Open Hacks. However, writing a book has been in my todo list for quite a while, and honestly, I’ve been afraid to start due to various reasons, mainly because I heard how much time and energy you need to put into it.

Regardless, I set it as a goal in 2021 and after a few months working on it, voila, it’s now listed on Amazon to be published early next year. I am so excited about it and thought to share my experience and how I reached this milestone.

PublishedDec 02, 2021
Time to read5 min
azurebicepdevopsRead more

Last year I backed up the Crowbits project on Kickstarter because I saw a potential for kids to learn so much by assembling these kits especially that it could be integrated with lego’s.

At the moment you can purchase the kits from the Elecrow’s website. And just worth mentioning that this post is not sponsored, nor do I have any association with the team or any money from sharing these links is in play.

PublishedJul 19, 2021
Time to read1 min
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